We always enjoy reading Sardines magazine (www.sardinesmagazine.co.uk) - and every year they do a Panto Special. Usually to showcase the pantos that have just run in the season. Of course, ours runs a little later (Staffordshire Half Term week - NEXT week if you haven't already got your tickets!) - so we always submit a couple of photos from the previous year's show.
So back in January I submitted some photos from our Sinbad show last February. Imagine my surprise when i flicked through to the panto section - and the magazine fell open at this page (see above!). Clearly the Sardines editors recognised the excellent performances from Joanne Milligan, Lynda Freeman and June Austin last year as Silly Sally, Snaffle and Trace!
So, whilst we can't claim to be endorsed by Sardines - we're certainly proud to have been chosen to illustrate their article!
Thanks everyone at Sardines - and if you don't already subscribe to this magazine - you should, if you're involved in amateur theatre!
Elsewhere, in the usual photo round up was another couple of images from last year - this time of the finale and also a nice shot Sinbad and Fairy Fortuna - Gemma East and Jodie Swann.
If you want to see what all the fuss is about - join us next week for Sleeping Beauty - tickets are selling fast - please call the box office for best seats!
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