With Burton switching its Christmas lights on this last weekend (Sunday November 20th) - it was the ideal time for Cinderella to head into town and escape her evil step mother and the Ugly sisters.
But they caught up with her - and soon put her to work!
Fortunately they did find time to hand over money raised at last year's panto (Jack & the Beanstalk). Last year BASE supported Treetops Hospice - and Tina Roberts from the charity was on hand to receive the cheque.
With the panto opening in February half term (Tuesday 20th Feb 2018) - now is the ideal time to buy tickets as Christmas presents for your family and loved ones. Click here for ticket information...
There was disappointment for the Ugly Sisters later in the day though when a quick trip to JD Sports resulted in Cinderella finding a trainer that fitted - but nothing for the gruesome twosome.
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