Sunday 22nd November saw the Christmas Lights switched on in Burton - and once again the Council and all the Shopping Centres put on a great afternoon of entertainment and stalls.
Special thanks from BASE must go to the Burton Market Hall team who made us so welcome again.
We had Princess Aurora along with her parents King Norbert and Queen Dorothy touring the town telling people about the panto. We also had several teams out and about - handing out postcards and sweets to the people of Burton.
Thanks to everyone in BASE - and Burton - who supported the event!
Remember - you can see Sleeping Beauty at the Brewhouse Arts Centre, Tuesday 16th - Saturday 20th February 2016. Traditional panto fun for the whole family - and ticket prices that won't break the bank! See here for more information.
The box office at the Brewhouse is now open for ticket sales for all shows
Some images from the afternoon and evening:
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